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Does 808nm Diode Laser Work?

Competent Manufacturers

As the rise of the demand of hair reduction, various options for hair removal are available such as plucking,waxing,shaving,chemical depilatories,electrolysis,eflornothine cream,intense pulsed light(IPL) systems and diode laser. Besides the basic demand of hair removal, we prone to choose an option which is safe,long-lasting and hair reduction gradually. Thanks for the excellent and black-technology , diode laser beats all and become the most outstanding among all those options.


Key Technology of laser hair removal

The key principle behind laser hair removal is matching specific wavelengths of light and pulse duration to a specific target, namely the melanin in a hair follicle whilst avoiding the surrounding tissue area.


Understanding IPL Laser Hair Removal

IPL (intense pulsed light) is a form of light that is delivered in one or more rapid bursts. This method is very useful for hair removal, vascular treatment, and the removal of skin discoloration since the IPL device selectively heats and destroys these chromophores, resulting in a flawless, airbrushed appearance.

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As a result, IPL is more versatile than certain lasers, and with medical-grade IPL, you may receive a wide range of treatments with fantastic results comparable to those produced with a high-power laser. Both technologies are excellent at targeting specific chromophores (such as melanin and hemoglobin), and when combined, laser and radiofrequency are very effective.

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TM-E119  Portable IPL Hair Removal Machine not only can be applied for depilation,but also skin rejuvenation,acne treatment,pigment treatment and so on.

Understanding Diode Laser Hair Removal

The key to successful laser hair removal is to deliver high energy into the skin to be selectively absorbed by the melanin surrounding the follicle whilst protecting the surrounding tissue. Diode lasers use a single wavelength of light that has a high absorption rate in melanin. At the same time it incorporates skin cooling to protect the surface of the skin. As the melanin heats up it destroys the root and blood flow to the follicle and disables the hair. Diode lasers with an ability to delivery high frequency low fluence pulses can be safely used on all skin types.

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What Is the Difference Between IPL Laser and Diode Laser?


IPL Laser

Diode Laser


7 filters with different wavelengths


Skin type suitability

Best results on lighter skin type

All skin types

Pain level



Risk of skin damage

Higher – Broad spectrum light increases risks of redness and skin burns, particularly in darker skin.

Lower – Precision and cooling features reduce risks of burns and pigmentation changes.

Long-term results

Long-lasting result with fewer sessions

More sessions and regular maintenance

Benefit of Diode Laser

  • Work on all skin types:Diode lasersuse a 808nm wavelength of light beam with a narrow focus to target specific areas in the skin. This laser technology selectively heats target sites while leaving surrounding tissue undamaged,which make it can safely and successfully treat all skin types,including dark pigmented skin.


  • Comfort and less painless:The excellent cooling system ensures the highly effective cooling,which prevents the treated area from the heating of laser energy.It is faster, less painful and safer.


  • Enduring result of hair reduction:At the beginning of the treatment course, treatments should be repeated 4-6 weeks towards the end. Most people need somewhere from 6 to 8 sessions for optimal results.

05 808nm Diode Laser Hair Removal Machine

What Should We Know About The Laser Treatment?


  • Avoid sun exposure. Follow your doctor’s advice to avoid sun exposure before and after treatment. Wear a broad spectrum SPF30 sunscreen whenever you go outside.
  • Lighten your skin.Avoid using any sunless tanning lotions. If your skin has recently been tanned or darkened, you can use a skin bleaching cream.
  • Avoid other hair removal methods.Plucking, waxing, and electrotherapy disturb the hair follicles and should be avoided for at least four weeks before treatment.
  • Avoid blood thinners. Before the procedure, ask your doctor about which medications to avoid, such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Shave the treatment area. Trimming and shaving the day before laser treatment is recommended. This removes body hair on the surface of the skin, which may otherwise be damaged by burned hair, but leaves the hair shaft intact beneath the surface.

2.What to expect

Laser hair removal usually requires 2 to 6 treatments. The interval between each treatment will vary depending on the area. In areas where hair grows quickly, such as the upper lip, this treatment may be repeated every four to eight weeks. In areas where hair grows slowly, such as the back, treatments may be performed every 12 to 16 weeks.

During each treatment, you will need to wear special goggles to protect your eyes from the laser beam. If necessary, an assistant may shave the treated area one more time. The doctor may give the skin a local anesthetic to reduce discomfort during the treatment.

3.During the procedure

The therapist will press a handheld laser against your skin. Depending on the type of laser, a gel for laser treatment will be applied to protect the skin and reduce the risk of side effects.

When the therapist activates the laser, the laser beam will pass through your skin to the hair follicles. The intense heat from the laser beam damages the hair follicles, inhibiting hair growth. You may feel discomfort at this time, such as a feeling of heat, a tingling sensation, and a feeling of coldness from the handle.

Treatment of a small area, such as the upper lip, may only take a few minutes. Treatment of a larger area, such as the back, may take more than an hour.


Redness and swelling may occur for a few hours after laser hair removal.

To reduce discomfort, apply ice to the treated area. If you experience a skin reaction immediately after laser hair removal, your doctor may apply a steroid cream to the affected area.

After laser hair removal and during scheduled treatments, avoid direct sunlight and tanning beds for 6 weeks or as directed by your doctor. Use a broad-spectrum SPF30 sunscreen daily.


The hair will not fall out immediately, but will fall out over a period of days to weeks. It will look like the hair is continuing to grow. Repeated treatments are usually necessary because hair growth and shedding occurs naturally in a cycle, and laser treatments work best on follicles in the newborn stage.

The results vary widely and are difficult to predict. Most people experience hair removal that lasts for several months, and possibly years. But laser hair removal does not guarantee permanent hair removal. When the hair grows back, it is usually finer and lighter in color.You may need maintenance laser treatments for long-term hair removal.Thanks for the technology of diode laser, you do not have to spend time on maintenance as often as IPL laser.


6.Side Effect

The risk of side effects varies depending on skin type, hair color, treatment plan, and compliance with pre- and post-treatment care. The most common side effects of laser hair removal include:

Skin irritation. Temporary discomfort, redness, and swelling may occur after laser hair removal. All signs and symptoms usually disappear within a few hours.

Pigment changes. Laser hair removal may darken or lighten the affected skin. This change may be temporary or permanent. Skin lightening mainly affects those who do not use sun protection before and after treatment and those with darker skin tones.

Rarely, laser hair removal can cause blisters, scabs, scarring, or other changes in skin texture. Other rare side effects include graying of the hair in the treated area and excessive hair growth around the treated area, especially on dark skin.

Laser hair removal is not recommended for the eyelids, eyebrows, or surrounding areas because it may cause serious eye damage.



IPL was popular in the past as it was a lower cost technology however it has limitations on power and cooling so treatment can be less effective, carry higher potential for side effects such as redness and skin burns,and is more uncomfortable than the latest diode laser technology.

Diode laser can offer advantages in treating deeper hair follicles and thick hairs, as well as allowing any skin type to be treated better.

Tingmay offers you some options for the diode laser hair removal machines. With the high power and brilliant performance,they are ranking on the top of a variety of laser instrument.

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Of course, besides the above highly recommended diode laser machines, you can consult us to know more about our range of it and  get the most preferable model.

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